nice guys cause they always end up hating me. haha. it's so true, but i'm kinda ok with it. i don't want to date a sorry ass push over anyway. i need a real man who can put his foot down and put me in my place! i will seriously take advantage of you if you're too nice to me. it's cruel and fucked up, but that's just how i am. i feel kinda bad cause there are a few guys out there that i'd like to date, but i know once i become their gf. i'll change completely, and for the worse. ask john and paul, they will tell you. haha they're both such nice guys and they both hate me. neither of them can even look at me. hahaha i wish i was exaggerating and making this stuff up, but i'm not. i love how both paul and MY OWN mom warned john not to date me, but he did anyway. and look how we ended up. honestly, i can laugh about it now because it's like, it is what it is. i just hope i'll eventually find a guy that can put up with my shit and i'll actually want to put before myself.

one of these days....
pretty deep. now go to sleep and congrats on ur new job
it is what it is...
worst saying of all time.
Anonymous is pissed!
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