i am looking forward to so many things this month. to name a few; laker game, lady gaga, and of course spending my first christmas with john. we already know what we got each other, i kinda wish we kept them a surprise but o well. i'm not a big fan of surprises if you tell me i'm getting a surprise. but i do like real surprises. like i as if i had no clue it was coming. does that make sense? whatever, it does to me. so i got john a samsung tv, and i think he got me the canon digital slr i wanted. we'll see if he got the right one. haha we made our wish list pretty obvious. i know i did. hahaha. even if he didn't get it for me, i would have bought it myself. i think that's what's so hard about us as a couple. it's kinda hard to buy each other things because we already know if we want something. we'll buy it our self. i've never been the type to rely on someone else to buy me things. i'm just not used to that. i'm used to being fairly independent when it comes to those type of things. i spoil myself. haha.
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