kamille and i went to the beach as planned, i actually almost got up in time for it. i woke up just in time to read her bbm that she was already on her way. haha i had literally 5 mins to get ready. i had her waiting outside for a few mins, my bad kamille. we made a few quick stops, vons for snacks and cvs for sunscreen. we go to the beach and it was freezing. we both got to take a nap though and sort of tan. after that we went to this place in malibu called howdys for fish tacos and quesadillas, my fish taco was ok. a bit pricey though. afterwards we headed home and i wanted to take a nap, but someone kept bothering me so i wasn't able to sleep. so i visited one of my drivers while he was on break and just chilled. then headed straight to work. my day went by so fast. now i have to work on my paper :(
this is kamille and her bf marc

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