so i'm at josh's house right now and i'm using his laptop. and it's so much better than mine. he has this awesome thing that covers the keyboard and makes it silent when i type. and it also keeps dust from getting into the keyboard. hahaha i loveee it. so i'm in josh's room and he already fell asleep. i'd take a picture but i left my camera in my car. lame. even though i have my own macbook. i couldn't help but take pics on his macbook. haha here's a few.

as you can see, johnny and i got super bored.
hmm so other than that, i had another good day. school was alright, andy and i got kinda lost in math today. we like to think we're in ok shape, but we might already be falling behind. but i won't let that happen. school's too important right now. we can't fuck up. we need to graduate already. fuck school! work was really insane when i first came in. the phone would not stop ringing. and we kept getting message after message. but whatevs. it eventually died down and andy and i were free to relax. i actually left the office today before the sun came down. and i actually left the time i was suppose to. i made velez wait for me cause i didn't wanna walk to my car alone. haha. i ended up walking him to his, and he drove me to mine. it was completely unnecessary, but it was a sweet gesture. hm ok the end
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