i haven't blogged in forevs. ok, so my 25th bday is a few weeks from today and i'm totally excited about it. i've never been big on celebrating my bday but i honestly need a reason to go out and get effed up. there is honestly not a damn thing i could complain about or even wish for because i have my health, family and friends. i've been sooo blessed throughout my life that i'm just so thankful for making it another yearrr. for turning 25, i'm pretty content at where i am in life. i have 2 amazing jobs and working w/ the most fabulous people. i still live on my own and i'm gradually learning how to manage my money. all i need now is to save up for a car, i've been wanting one for the longest time but i keep getting distracted by clothes shoes and more clothes and more shoesssss. ugh it has honestly become an addiction. my daily routine in the morning would be to buy almost a complete outfit online. i'd get that done before i even have my breakfast and coffee. whatevs.